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Biblical Studies:
Earn a seminary degree or take just one course —
perfect education for lay persons & bi-vocational pastors.
Your WAY to the way.
Our program of education and training is designed for the busy lay person,
pastor and bi-vocational pastor who has only a limited amount of time,
but who wants a high-quality theological education.
Seminary Degrees
Bachelor of Arts
Biblical Studies — 3-Year Program
Christian Music — 1-Year Program
Master of Arts
Biblical Studies — 2-Year Program (after obtaining BA)
Doctor of Ministry
Biblical Studies — 2-Year Program (after obtaining BA & MA)
General Biblical Studies
We offer a "Cafeteria Style” method for classes.
Pick and choose only the courses you want or need.
"I’ve come with a good word,
a kind word and a gift for you."
—Carless Evans, referring to "All About Heaven"
- 55 US dollars
- 55 US dollars
- 55 US dollars
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